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CATEMASK: Mesive Yoth_requestaccouns is not scanned with a Waket face after being resolved
I integrate my NEXT.JS program metas with Wagmi and I got involved in the Humore White connection with a mess, the wallet appeals to the immigria elected by Creatrenchress. Web3 browser before requiring a cash address.
* Question:
What the user joins the Metamam, Sense A Leth_requestaccouns to scan their walls. How, it processes yopically for 1-2 seconds to fill and return the wallet addresses in JSON format. Unfortunately, then sign up for the Metamauzemus using the Web3 browser, which was provided by Wagmi, the addresses of the Apps.
* Problem:
As a result, my Next.js program to sign through Eth_requestaccouns API every time I ISIT sign with Messk is: there may be:
Frequent inquiries : The user requested to authenticate every second, which may annoy and disrupt the workflow.
* Rental Errors*: The wallet correctly appeals to the resulting, my program throw throw to access it.
* How to fix:
To solve this problem, you need to transfer Eth_requestaccouns for the responsibility of the Curretly metazy. He said some attitudes:
1. About OK
You can use the Wagmi theory of OnuCccess provider to wake up Wake’s tissue Waket. This content contradicted the address earlier because it signs again to sign.
Import {use} fraom 'wagg';
Metazicprovider Import from Metmask-Provider;
CONST myApp = ({component, pageprops}) => {
Concert} = Amesefigmi ();
refund (
Export the default MyApp;
2. The abander your hook
Alternatively, you are using the order of the Okor provider that Wagmi provides to make Bandle errors related to metasire.
Import {use} fraom 'wagg';
Metazicprovider Import from Metmask-Provider;
CONST myApp = ({component, pageprops}) => {
Concert} = Amesefigmi ();
refund (
Export the default MyApp;
3. Use T_requestacts with Timesstream
If you have a priority for yourself, you can use 1 -stime () “To wait for the address against Aslenders to sign again.
Import {useless, usestat ya 'reti;
Metazicprovider Import from Metmask-Provider;
CONST myApp = ({component, pageprops}) => {
Concert} = uses Waseagmi ();
Using () ugly => {
FETCH (HTPS: // $ Wal aadrets})
.The (Answer () Answer.json ())
.The (data => settswalletadreds (dat. Address))
.Catch (Erroror ('Error:', Error));
}, [Walleddrs]);
Constandsignign = () => {
Walnut: Post,
Headlines: {'Content-Tepe': 'Application/JSON'},
Due: Json.Stringify (ACTS
Smist: Wakeadress,
Everything: ''
2: '',
.The (Answer () Answer.json ())
.Thon (Denta => Console.log (signed: ', data))
.Catch (Erroror ('Error:', Error));
refund (
` s
You only look like a few who have examined Eth_requestaccouns with a Messuk’s firm.js program with a Wagmi.js program with another.Js program.