Ethereum: How can you tell how many users Bitcoin has?

Ethereum: How can you tell you how many users have bitcoin?

The world of cryptocurrencies is constantly evolving and understanding the stock of a user of a certain digital properties, such as Ethereum, may be decisive for investors, developers and fans. One of the frequently used meters to measure the popularity or deployment of cryptomena is the number of its node, while the second method involves calculating the number of popular wallet users. However, it is really impossible to evaluate the exact number of bitcoins users without specific information. In this article, we will study both methods and offer some ball characters to get an Ethereum user base image.

Number of nodes: network activity rate

The nodes are computer programs that operate in the Ethereum network and control events to participate in the validation process. The number of nodes in the Ethereum network can be used as a rough estimate of its overall activity. When multiple users are connected to the network, it is increasingly difficult to verify new events for nodes.

  • According to Etnodes, online ethereum nodes, there are currently more than a million active Ethereum nodes.

  • However, this number may vary because the new wallets are related and the old one disappears. For example, a chain analysis study found that the total number of addresses Etherum in the network was at the top of approximately 12 million in 2017.

Wallet users: Adoption Measure

Ethereum: How can you tell how many users Bitcoin has?

Wallets are software used to store and control a cryptocurrency such as bitcoin. The number of popular wallets may indicate the level of their adoption, as more people with a certain wallet indicate greater use.

  • According to information on, which is one of the largest wallets in the world, more than 6 million active bitcoin addresses.

  • However, this number only responds to those who use certain wallet services and do not necessarily reflect the overall deployment of bitcoins. In addition, some users may have more cryptomen, including bitcoins.

trained estimates

Although it is difficult to offer an accurate number, it is possible to make trained estimates based on the following metrics:

  • If we assume that each active Ethereum node is about 100,000 events per month (gross estimate), this means about 10 million unique users.

  • Bitcoin, more than 6 million active addresses, if each of the wallet users has an average of 1 bitcoin, it is possible that there are tens of millions of users.

Remember that these estimates should be considered as gross approximation as the final numbers. The crypto -market market is constantly evolving and the user base of a certain property may vary significantly over time.


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