Understanding the bee of the end point Binance: a guide to further explanations
As an epistle of Epiee Binance, you are probably familiar with his different end points and characteristics, but there may still be confusion or unanswered questions about how they work. In this article, we will deepen some less known aspects of API -ja Binance, providing further explanations for the usual endpoints.
Authentication and Authorization
Before you are immersed in endpoint specifications, it is crucial to understand the mechanisms of authenticity and authorization behind binant bees. API usauth 2.0 to authenticate, which includes:
- Customer and Secret **: Customers (eg App) get a client and secret ID from Binance Developers.
- When authorization : At the time of access, customers receive an authorization code exchanged with access.
- Take access : Access token gives API access on behalf of the customer.
The end point relating to authentication and authorization include:
Get /Account: Return data to user account
- Post /account /application
: Authentic client using OOUTH 2.0
- Post /account /Review: Create a new account account
Command Management
Binance API provides the end point to manage orders, including creation and cancellation:
Get /Order
: Return of open orders list
- `
Get /Openorders
: ORDER RETURN FOR ID OR using pagination
Post /Placeorder ': Send a new order (buy or sell)
- Put /Order /{ID}
: Update an existing order
The endpoints for cancellation of the order include:
- Get /Cancelopenordorders’: Delete open orders
Put /Canceller /{ID}
: Close order
Market data
API Binance offers the end point to recover market data, including:
: Return of Current Crypto Currency Price
: Refund of the list of available markets (for example, pair crypts)
: Recover Data Data Dumm for a particular market
The endpoints for recovery of daily and clock quotes include:
: Recover the historical prices of tape
Get/API/V3/HISTOREKLINES": Recovery strips of historical prices using the limit of the daily API
Commercial Management
For users who want to trade, Binance API provides the end point to manage operations:
- Post /Placeorder ‘: Send a new order (buy or sell)
Put /Order /{ID}
: Update an existing order
Get /Order
: Return of open orders list
The endpoints to cancel and close the order include:
Get /Cancelopenordorders': Delete open orders
- Put /Canceller /{ID}`: Close order
API -JA speed limit
The API Binance has a rate of rates to prevent abuse. It is important to understand these limitations before you can greatly place requests or use APIs widely.
* Request per minute : 100,000 requests per minute
* Request for another : 1,000 requests per second
The end points that exceed these boundaries will be limited or will return the error message.
In this article we covered some of the least known aspects of Binance’s API. Understanding authentication and authorization, orders management, market data recovery, trade management and restriction of bees rates, you will become more competent in navigating official binans of documents.
Remember to always follow the best practices when using a third party bees including:
- Check speed limit
- Use of appearance and limit the header
- Error management and exceptions
With this knowledge, you will be well equipped to build strong applications that exploit the power of binans.