I will be happy to help build an article on the Binance application interface for an open and closed shop mapping.
Title of article: Mapping an open and closed Binance application for trading analysis
In this article, we present how to map the original order by the same closed order in the futures market with the help of the Binance API. This is a crucial step in analyzing trading activity and identifying any models or abnormalities.
- You have basic information about the Binance application subscription and its features.
- You have a Bloomberg terminal or a similar platform set to connect to the Binance program.
Step 1: Get an API -License Information
To use the Binance application connection, you need to obtain an application subscription key and a secret key. Follow these steps:
- Go to [Binance website] ( and create an account.
- Click the “API” in the top and navigation bar.
- Click “Start”.
- Create a new API key and secret key.
Step 2: Set Bloomberg terminal
- Download the Bloomberg terminal [ (
- Install the Binance API connector for Bloomberg with PIP:
PIP Install Binance-API transmission
- Connect your Bloomberg account using the following settings:
- API key: Binance API key
- Secret Key: Binance Key
- Host URL: [ (
- Set your account data feed:
+ Options: Select “API” as a data feed type.
+ Endpoint: Select the access point you want to use (eg.
Step 3: Create a Bloomberg headwash
Create a new script using the following code:
import bin
Set API access information
Api_secret = “Your_secret_Key”
Set Bloomberg terminal
Binance_connect = Binance.BinanceConnect (
Secret = Api_secret,
Host = “
Create Bloomberg’s Terminal Input object
Data_feed = binance_connect.datfeeds.marketdatafeed (
Symbol = “BTCUSDT”,
Feed Market Input
Interval = “1M”
data supply (1 minute)
Set the function to map open and closed orders
Def Map_open_to_Closed (Data):
mapping = {}
The order of data:
If order.status == “open”:
Mapped_ORDER = {
“Symbol”: Order.Symbol,
“Time Stamp”: Order.timestamp,
“Quantity”: Order.quantity,
“Price”: Order.price
Elif Order.status == “Closed”:
Mapped_ORDER = {
“Symbol”: Order.Symbol,
“Time Stamp”: Order.timestamp,
“Quantity”: Order.quantity,
“Price”: Order.price
recovery mapping
Get a data supply object 5 minutes ago
Data_feed_object = Data_feed.Get_data (
symbol = “btcusdt”,
Interval = “1M”,
Starttime = “2022-01-01T00: 00: 00.000z”,
Endtime = “2022-01-01T01: 00: 00.000z”
Mapping open and closed orders
mapping = map_open_to_closed (data_feed_object)
Print the mapping
For the order of mapping:
Print (F “{order [‘symbol’]}: {order [‘Timestamp’]}, quantity: {order [‘quantity’]}, price: {order [‘price’]}”)
Step 4: Complete the script and analyze data
- Save the script in a file (eg “map_open_to_closed.py).
- Run a script with Python:
python map_open_to_closed.py
This prints the mapping of open and closed orders for the specified period.