Bitcoin: How does new -blocksxor switch that obfuscates LevelDB blocks.dat files work?

Understanding the new Bitcoin ‘-BlockSxor’ improvements: How it works

Understanding the new -BlockSxor 'is improving because the Bitcoin node or server manager is crucial to ensure the safety and integrity of the network. In this article, we are considering how "blocksxor" works, its benefits and what it means for administrators.

What is the blocksxor?

Blocksxoris a cryptographic technique used in the Bitcoin block format Tasondb (LevelDB) to blur the contents of the bloc.dat files. LevelDB is a popular data warehouse that uses bitcoin nodes to store data levels such as events and subtitles of blocks. When LevelDB records his data in memory, it leaves a path that the attacker can easily analyze.

Blocksxorimproves this security function by mixing Tasondb content -Blocks.dat with Hash's Hshov's encryption survey function. Thanks to this blurry technology, attackers are very difficult to use or analyze the information stored.

How does blocksxor work?

Here's a step -boup -speed of explanation of howblocksxor:

  • Data encryption : Bitcoin Node stores the disk on Tasondb bloc.dat files.


  • Operation XOR : The calculated hash value is then Xorifies into the content of Tasondb -block.Dat.

  • Hash value Encrypt : The result has a hash value that is encrypted by another advanced hash function (eg Argon2i), which makes analysis more difficult.

Books of books

Blocksxorenhancement offers a number of benefits:

* Improved Security : It is much harder for attackers to use or analyze Tasondb -Blocks.dat by reducing the risk of violating and handling information.

* Increased endurance

Bitcoin: How does new -blocksxor switch that obfuscates LevelDB blocks.dat files work?

: Twilight technology ensures that even if the attacker manages to enter the contents of the block file, they still need to carry out additional calculations to translate information.

* Better scalability : By reducing the amount of sensitive information stored on the disk, ”helps blocksxor 'to improve the scalability of bitcoin and reduce the load on the nodes.


The new-BlockSxor ‘enhancement is the main update of bitcoin nodes and servers. His ability to smear Tasondb.dat blocks makes it difficult to use or analyze the sensitive information to the attackers. As an administrator, you understand how “a blocksxor” can help you better control the node or security of the server and ensure the integrity of the bitcoin network.

Other sources

More information about the “blocksxor” application I recommend that you check the official documentation and documentation of Bitcoin Core:

  • [Bitcoin Core Documentation] (

  • [Documentation of Bitcoin Core Client Software] (

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