Solana: Why is my Solana SPL token not appearing in Phantom or Solflare wallets after manual addition?

Title: Why not attract Solana SPL token in public benefit benefits.


Like Solana Blockchain developer, she likes to appear in the network of tokens in popular walls such as Phantom and Solflare. This issue may be disappointing, especially if you are directing the SPL (Solana Protocol) token to various cases. In this article, Wet dive into this problem and ensure confusion.

Without the problem:

The key message is “Transferhook (blank)”. This indicates that Phantom or Solflare has detected an output without a transfer hook, which is a crinical aspect of management. The theme transfer hook suggests that the topic is not properly configured to give the transfer operations on these walls.

Possible reasons and solutions:

  • Token Name: * Make sure the SPL token name is exactly what you are in the pantom or the Solflare. In any typical part of the ifre, this column leads to improper identification.

  • Chain ID: Check that SPL token was set on the appropriate chain (Solana). In Phantom and Solflare, the tokens must be associated with a specific chain ID.

  • Token symbol: twice check that the token symbol is correct both in the phantom and in the Solflare. This is a symbol of Shueld that is exactly what Walet’s settings or Blockchain Explorer.

  • Transfer Hook Configuration: examined the SPL token transfer hook configuration. Make sure you adjust properly, including unique scripts or built -in modules.

To correct the problem:

To solve the problem, follow these steps:

  • Check your wallet settings: Check that the Phantom and Solflare are correctly set in the wallet settings.

  • Check the Configuration of the Transfer Hook:

    Solana: Why is my Solana SPL token not appearing in Phantom or Solflare wallets after manual addition?

    Invite both Phantom and Solflare, SPL -TOKEN transfer hooks. You can do this by navigating to “Account” or “Settings”> “Transfer Hook”.

  • Refresh the name of the token, symbols and chain ID (if necessary): If you are not a Chinges, update the Walet settings accordingly.

  • Test the smell amontot: Test the SPL -Token smell before any transfer to end the exhill.

More tip:

  • Make sure Watlet is soft and installation is up to date.

  • Consider whistling your wallet settings or snapshots before increasing the problem.

  • If you continue to experience problems, they will be realized for the Solan Community Forums or Subport channels for further help.

By following these steps, the Solana SPL tokens does not appear in the Phantom or Solflare Walets after the manual administration. Happy coding!

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